Publicaciones recientes
On a Matrix Ensemble for Arbitrary Complex Quantum Systems. William E. Salazar, Juan Diego Urbina, and Javier Madroñero, arXiv:2407.20453 (2024).
Linear-nonlinear duality for circuit design on quantum computing platforms. WE Salazar, O Calderón-Losada, JH Reina. arXiv:2310.20416 [quant-ph].
Correlating particulate matter and planetary boundary layer dynamics in northwestern South America: A case study of Santiago de Cali. Atmospheric Pollution Research. D. Arias-Arana, E. Montilla-Rosero, O. Calderón-Lozada & J.H. Reina (2024). ), In press.
Persistent Superconductivity and Enhanced Photovoltaic Effect in YBCO Thin Films under Laser Irradiation. L. M. Segura-Gutiérrez, J. E. Ordoñez, L. E. González Reyes, W. J. Medina, O. Calderón-Losada, W. Lopera, G. Zambrano, and J.H. Reina. J. Phys. Chem. C 128, 19329 (2024).
Generation of heralded vector-polarized single photons in remotely controlled topological classes, Samuel Corona-Aquino, Zeferino Ibarra-Borja, Omar Calderón-Losada, Bruno Piccirillo, Verónica Vicuña-Hernández, Tonatiuh Moctezuma-Quistian, Hector Cruz-Ramírez, Dorilian Lopez-Mago, and Alfred B. U’Ren, Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 034030 (2024).
Comparison of two different integration methods for the (1+1)-dimensional Schrödinger-Poisson equation, Nico Schwersenz, Victor Loaiza, Tim Zimmermann, Javier Madroñero, and Sandro Wimberger, Comp. Phys. Comm. 300, 109192 (2024).
Locally Stationary Wavelet Analysis of Nonstationary Turbulent Fluxes. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 190(7), 33. Arias-Arana, D., Fochesatto, G. J., Jimenez, R., & Ojeda, C. (2024).
Correlation-boosted quantum engine: A proof-of-principle demonstration. M Herrera, JH Reina, I D'Amico, RM Serra. Physical Review Research 5, 043104 (2023).
Quantum enhanced probing of multilayered samples. M. Y. Li-Gomez, P. Yepiz-Graciano, T. Hrushevskyi, O. Calderón-Losada, E. Saglamyurek, D. Lopez-Mago, V. Salari, T. Ngo, and A. B. U'Ren Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023170 (2023). DOI:
Cold atom-ion systems in radiofrequency multipole traps: event-drive molecular dynamics and stochastic simulations, Mateo Londoño, Javier Madroñero, and Jesús Pérez Ríos, Phys. Rev. A 108, 053324 (2023). arXiv:2307.01811 [physics.atom-ph] (2023).
Política Pública Formulada: Plan de Mejora del Ambiente Sonoro-PMAS 2020 - 2023 (con visto bueno del Comité Municipal para la Prevención, Manejo y Control de Ruido en Santiago de Cali). Diciembre, 2022.
A Multichannel Superconductor-Based Photonic Crystal Optical Filter Tunable in the Visible and Telecom Windows at Cryogenic Temperature, Luz E. González, Lina M. Segura-Gutierrez, John E. Ordoñez, Gustavo Zambrano and John H. Reina, Photonics 9, 485 (2022).
Neural-Network Quantum States: A Systematic Review, David Ricardo Vivas, Javier Madroñero, Víctor Bucheli, Luis Octavio Gózalez and John Henry Reina. arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.12966 (2022).
Photophysical Properties of BODIPY Derivatives for the Implementation of Organic Solar Cells: A Computational Approach. Duvalier Madrid-Úsuga, Alejandro Ortiz, and John H. Reina, CS Omega 7, 3963 (2022).
The dynamics of a single trapped ion in a high density media: a stochastic approach, Mateo Londoño, Javier Madroñero, and Jesús Pérez Ríos, Phys. Rev. A 106, 022803 (2022). arXiv:2205.08958 [cond-mat.quant-gas] (2022).
Molecular Structure, Quantum Coherence and Solvent Effects on the Ultrafast Electron Transport in BODIPY-C60 Derivatives, Duvalier Madrid-Úsuga and John H. Reina. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125, 2518 (2021)
Synthesis, Characterization and Photophysics of Novel BODIPY linked to Dumbbell Systems Based on Fullerene[60]pyrrolidine and Fullerene[60]Isoxazoline, K. Calderon-Cerquera, A. Parra, D. Madrid, A. Cabrera-Espinoza, C.A.Melo-Luna, J. H. Reina, B. Insuasty, A. Ortiz. Dyes and Pigments 184, 108752 (2021).
Theoretical characterization of photoactive molecular systems based on BODIPY-derivatives for the design of organic solar cells, D. Madrid-Úsuga, A. G. Mora-León, A. M. Cabrera-Espinoza, B. Insuasty, A. Ortiz. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1197, 113165 (2021).
Emergence of maximal hidden quantum correlations in open quantum systems, A. F. Ducuara, C. E. Susa, J. H. Reina. Submitted to Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. (2021).
Fotónica y Teledetección en el Monitoreo de Aerosoles, Calidad del Aire y Variables Ambientales, J. Céspedes Rojas, E. Sánchez Barrera, J. H. Reina. Libro de Resultados de Investigación, Programa Editorial, Universidad del Valle. En proceso de evaluación (2021).
Sahara Dust aerosols detected by terrestrial polarization LiDAR over the city of Santiago de Cali, Colombia, Estiven Sánchez Barrera and John H. Reina. Submitted (2021).
Deep learning the atmospheric boundary layer height, D. R. Vivas, E. Sánchez, J. H. Reina. Submitted to Atmospheric Environment (2021).
Lalinet Network Status, E. Landulfo, D. R. Vivas, J. Cespedes, C. A. Melo-Luna, J. H. Reina, et al. The European Physical Journal Conferences 237, 05008 (2020).
Lidar Observations in South America. Part I - Mesosphere and Stratosphere, E. Landulfo, A. Cacheffo, ..., E. Sánchez, J. H. Reina, et al. Remote Sensing, invited chapter, edited by A. Hammond and P. Keleher, IntechOpen (2020). DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.95038. Submitted: June 10th 2020. Reviewed: November 16th 2020. Published: December 29th 2020.
Lidar Observations in South America. Part II-Troposphere, E. Landulfo, A. Cacheffo, ..., E. Sánchez, J. H. Reina, et al. Remote Sensing, invited chapter, edited by A. Hammond and P. Keleher, IntechOpen (2020). DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.95451. Reviewed: December 10th 2020Published: December 28th 2020.
Quantifying optical response and hotness in Tabasco chili peppers: Correlations between capsaicinoids concentration and fruit spectral reflectance properties. Camila Plazas, David Collazos-Burbano and John H. Reina. Submitted (2021).
Experimental realisation of tunable ferroelectric/superconductor (BTO/YBCO)N/STO 1D photonic crystals in the whole visible spectrum, L. E. González, J. E. Ordoñez, C. A. Melo-Luna, E. Mendoza, D. Reyes, G. Zambrano, N. Porras-Montenegro, J. C. Granada, M. E. Gómez and J. H. Reina. Scientific Reports 10, 13083 (2020).
Portable Electronic Device: An Alternative Tool for Surgical Magnification, A. J. Miranda-Diaz, C.A. Melo-Luna, R. Devia-Rodriguez, J. H. Reina, M.I. Cadena-Rios. International Microsurgery Journal 4, 3 (2020).
Nondispersive wave packets in planar helium, Alejandro González-Melan and Javier Madroñero, Physical Review A 101, 013414 (2020).
A Quantum Model for the Dynamics of Cold Dark Matter, Tim Zimmermann, Massimo Pietroni, Javier Madroñero, Luca Amendola, and Sandro Wimberger, Condens. Matter 4, 89 (2019).
Entanglement measures in doubly excited states and nondispersive wave packets in planar helium, Alejandro González-Melan and Javier Madroñero, J. Phys. Comm. 3, 035015 (2019). pdf
Room temperature quantum coherence vs. electron transfer in a Rhodanine derivative chromophore, D. Madrid-Úsuga, C. E. Susa, J. H. Reina. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, 12640 (2019). From the themed collection: PCCP Editor’s Choice, 2020.
Optical and electronic properties of molecular systems derived from Rhodanine, D. Madrid-Úsuga, C. A. Melo-Luna, A. Insuasty, A. Ortiz, J. H. Reina. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 122, 8469 (2018).
A first measurement of the planetary boundary layer top in Cali-Colombia: elastic LiDAR application, J. Céspedes, C. A. Melo-Luna, J. H. Reina. Proceedings of SPIE, The International Society for Optics and Photonics, "Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XXIII" 10786, 107860L (2018).
Conditional quantum dynamics and nonlocal states in dimeric and trimeric arrays of organic molecules, John H. Reina, Cristian E. Susa and Richard Hildner. Physical Review A 97, 063422 (2018).
Quantum locality in game strategy, Carlos A. Melo, Cristian E. Susa, Andrés F Ducuara, Astrid Barreiro and John H. Reina. Scientific Reports 7, 44730 (2017).
Implementation of a cost efficient device for wireless photon coincidence detection, E. Ipus, C. A. Melo Luna, L. Giraldo, O. Vergara, J. H. Reina. arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.04927 (2017).
Occupation-constrained interband dynamics of a non-hermitian two-band Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, Manuel H. Muñoz-Arias, Carlos A. Parra-Murillo, Javier Madroñero, and Sandro Wimberger, Fluctuation and Noise Letters 16, 1750023 (2017). arXiv:1706.09567
Generation of robust entangled states in a non-hermitian periodically driven two-band Bose-H, Carlos A. Parra-Murillo, Manuel H. Muñoz-Arias, Javier Madroñero, and Sandro Wimberger, Physical Review A 95, 032125 (2017); arXiv:1611.06369
Not-Post-Peierls compatibility under noisy channels, Andrés F. Ducuara, Cristian E. Susa and John H. Reina. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50, 265302 (2017).
On the activation of quantum nonlocality, Andrés F. Ducuara, Javier Madroñero and John H. Reina. Universitas Scientiarum 21, 129 (2016).
Guía de Matemáticas Elementales, J. Madroñero. Programa Editorial Univ. del Valle, Cali (2016).
Off-resonant many-body quantum carpets in strongly tilted optical lattices, Manuel H. Muñoz-Arias, Javier Madroñero, and Carlos A. Parra-Murillo, Physical Review A 93, 043603 (2016).
Chaotic level mixing in a two-band Bose-Hubbard model, Carlos A. Parra-Murillo, Javier Madroñero, and Sandro Wimberger, Annalen der Physik 527, 656 (2015).
Exact numerical methods for a many-body Wannier-Stark system, Carlos A. Parra-Murillo, Javier Madroñero, and Sandro Wimberger, Comp. Phys. Comm. 186, 19 (2015).
Coupling of frozen planet states of helium to its bound states:towards the preparation of two-electron nondispersive wave packets, Alejandro González, Isabel Guzmán and Javier Madroñero, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 635, 092088 (2015).
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Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical